Best Of Fox Red Lab Puppies For Sale Canada

We only breed when we have two exceptional dogs with pedigrees that will produce the true fox red labrador retriever or german shorthaired pointer temperament and conformation in an excellent litter of puppies. Puppies will be ready to go home around christmas.

close up Dogs, Rhodesian ridgeback, Puppies

Just minutes west of the beautiful saskatchewan river!

fox red lab puppies for sale canada. Our fox red labs live in our home with us and our fox red lab puppies are also raised in our home where they receive individual love and attention. We are located just north of outlook, sk. Our name comes from the area we lived in when we first started breeding fox red labs in 2012, bear flats.

The foundation of our kennel is one to be proud of. Both parents are excellent working dogs with fantastic temperaments with other dogs and children. I bought a fox red labrador from a local kennel that turned out to be one of the best dogs i ever owned.

We are located in southern alberta, canada just outside of medicine hat. Fox red labradors & lab puppies. Fox red is another shade of yellow, the akc and ckc recognizes three standard colours for registered labrador show dogs, black, yellow, and chocolate.

American red fox lab breeder. Both parents can be seen. Fox red labs for sale from silver and charcoal kennels are registered as yellow with akc.

Like all labrador retrievers, the fox red lab is a happy, energetic, loving dog whose loyalty to its family is second to none. They have had the top possible care with regular vets checks. We are located 30 min east of edmonton, alberta.

We are based out of raymond ab, canada. Stud is a ckc registered lab and dam is a registered labrador retriever. They were born february 5 and will be ready for their new homes end of march.

It is beautiful country overlooking the peace river in northern bc. We have fox red lab puppies available through out the year, along with black, chocolate and yellow labrador pups. They will be ready to go to there homes on may 30.

Quality is more important than quantity. The mother is on site and the father is our friends dog. Despite this, they can be registered as a purebred yellow labrador retriever, as the darker colored coat is not considered to be a disqualifying factor.

Our dogs are not only wonderful family companions with great temperaments and intelligence, but also have been bred to excel in hunting and competition, with a great on/off switch, coming from long lines of champion akc/ukc titled dogs. We have a beautiful litter of kc registered fox red and yellow labrador puppies for sale. There are 6 females and 5 males, mom is a beautiful red fox lab and dad is a gorgeous bernese mountain dog.

We have since moved back to alberta. We are a small breeder in central wisconsin, dedicated to producing top quality fox red labrador retrievers. Blackfork labs takes great pride in striving to improve our fox red labs taking into consideration health, temperament, soundness and the labrador retriever breed standard.

These dogs are very gentle and patient, making them a great choice for families with children. We strive to raise well socialized puppies using avidog and puppy culture. We currently have two dams that we breed, gracie and faith.

We have a litter of 11 cute labernese puppies available. Red lab puppies from the breeders at silver and charcoal kennels are a very unique color. Red fox lab puppies for sale.

Warne’s fox red labrador retrievers “specializing in fox red labs” i`ve been raising and training labrador retrievers for the last 25 years. Even though this color is registered yellow with the american kennel club, don’t be fooled. These puppies are a gorgeous fox red lab color phase with excellent hunting blood lines.

We believe that labrador retrievers have been breed to be constant companions and they are only truly happy when they are with their family. Cowboy up kennel is the proud owners and breeders of quality canadian kennel club registered (ckc reg’d) labrador retrievers. L ab puppies and older pups.

We do offer full registration to. Gracie and faith are both akc certified, our puppies come with limited registration through akc. Welcome, here at williams red fox labs we are dedicated to providing excellent fox red labrador retriever puppies for sale.

For that reason, we have no kennels. Yellow can range from cream (almost white) to as dark as fox red. (last pic is mom, second last is dad)there are 4 males and 4 females.

List your kennel with us and advertise that you are a breeder, trainer or handler. We were quite saddened that christmas when we lost our dog due to the tainted dog food epidemic. Health guarantees come with all puppies sold for the first 26 months of that puppies life.

Advertise services like guided hunts, hunting preserve, game birds and dogs. Derby is expecting her first litter october 31st, 2018! Fox red labrador retriever puppies for sale at derby labradors in pefferlaw, on.

Free hunting dog classifieds for the upland bird hunter and wetland waterfowl hunter. Parents have proper health clearances including hips, elbows, eyes, pra, eic, mcd, hnpk and cnm testing. See current puppy pictures and videos.

Contact for information about available puppies. We have 8 beautiful fox red/ yellow lab puppies. Current red fox lab puppies for sale.

These puppies are well socialized with people especially with children. Fox red labrador and german shorthaired pointer puppies and working dogs are for sale occasionally. We specialize in fox red labs, bred most importantly for temperament, health, trainability, conformation, looks, and of course the color is a bonus!

Often called “fox red,” red labrador puppies have the bright, russet coloration of a fox. As with the silver and charcoal labs, they are currently not recognized by the akc based on the fox red color. However, the american kennel club (akc) recognizes the fox red lab's coat color as part of the breed standard for labrador retrievers.

All puppies of great hunting stock. The pups will come vaccinated, dewormed, and with a starter kit. Find puppies for sale, started dogs for sale and finished dogs from all sorts of different pointing breeds, retrieving breeds and flushing breeds.

Our akc fox red yellow labrador puppies are $2,000.00 plus 6% pennsylvania state sales tax Father is a pure bred red fox lab and mother is a pure bred yellow lab.

fox red lab puppies for sale canada. Our fox red labs live in our home with us and our fox red lab puppies are also raised in our home where they receive individual love and attention. We are located just north of outlook, sk. Our name comes from the area we lived in when we first started breeding fox red labs in 2012, bear flats. The foundation of our kennel is one to be proud of. Both parents are excellent working dogs with fantastic temperaments with other dogs and children. I bought a fox red labrador from a local kennel that turned out to be one of the best dogs i ever owned.

We are located in southern alberta, canada just outside of medicine hat. Fox red labradors & lab puppies. Fox red is another shade of yellow, the akc and ckc recognizes three standard colours for registered labrador show dogs, black, yellow, and chocolate. American red fox lab breeder. Both parents can be seen. Fox red labs for sale from silver and charcoal kennels are registered as yellow with akc.

Like all labrador retrievers, the fox red lab is a happy, energetic, loving dog whose loyalty to its family is second to none. They have had the top possible care with regular vets checks. We are located 30 min east of edmonton, alberta. We are based out of raymond ab, canada. Stud is a ckc registered lab and dam is a registered labrador retriever. They were born february 5 and will be ready for their new homes end of march.

It is beautiful country overlooking the peace river in northern bc. We have fox red lab puppies available through out the year, along with black, chocolate and yellow labrador pups. They will be ready to go to there homes on may 30. Quality is more important than quantity. The mother is on site and the father is our friends dog. Despite this, they can be registered as a purebred yellow labrador retriever, as the darker colored coat is not considered to be a disqualifying factor.

Our dogs are not only wonderful family companions with great temperaments and intelligence, but also have been bred to excel in hunting and competition, with a great on/off switch, coming from long lines of champion akc/ukc titled dogs. We have a beautiful litter of kc registered fox red and yellow labrador puppies for sale. There are 6 females and 5 males, mom is a beautiful red fox lab and dad is a gorgeous bernese mountain dog. We have since moved back to alberta. We are a small breeder in central wisconsin, dedicated to producing top quality fox red labrador retrievers. Blackfork labs takes great pride in striving to improve our fox red labs taking into consideration health, temperament, soundness and the labrador retriever breed standard.

These dogs are very gentle and patient, making them a great choice for families with children. We strive to raise well socialized puppies using avidog and puppy culture. We currently have two dams that we breed, gracie and faith. We have a litter of 11 cute labernese puppies available. Red lab puppies from the breeders at silver and charcoal kennels are a very unique color. Red fox lab puppies for sale.

Warne’s fox red labrador retrievers “specializing in fox red labs” i`ve been raising and training labrador retrievers for the last 25 years. Even though this color is registered yellow with the american kennel club, don’t be fooled. These puppies are a gorgeous fox red lab color phase with excellent hunting blood lines. We believe that labrador retrievers have been breed to be constant companions and they are only truly happy when they are with their family. Cowboy up kennel is the proud owners and breeders of quality canadian kennel club registered (ckc reg’d) labrador retrievers. L ab puppies and older pups.

We do offer full registration to. Gracie and faith are both akc certified, our puppies come with limited registration through akc. Welcome, here at williams red fox labs we are dedicated to providing excellent fox red labrador retriever puppies for sale. For that reason, we have no kennels. Yellow can range from cream (almost white) to as dark as fox red. (last pic is mom, second last is dad)there are 4 males and 4 females.

List your kennel with us and advertise that you are a breeder, trainer or handler. We were quite saddened that christmas when we lost our dog due to the tainted dog food epidemic. Health guarantees come with all puppies sold for the first 26 months of that puppies life. Advertise services like guided hunts, hunting preserve, game birds and dogs. Derby is expecting her first litter october 31st, 2018! Fox red labrador retriever puppies for sale at derby labradors in pefferlaw, on.

Free hunting dog classifieds for the upland bird hunter and wetland waterfowl hunter. Parents have proper health clearances including hips, elbows, eyes, pra, eic, mcd, hnpk and cnm testing. See current puppy pictures and videos. Contact for information about available puppies. We have 8 beautiful fox red/ yellow lab puppies. Current red fox lab puppies for sale.

These puppies are well socialized with people especially with children. Fox red labrador and german shorthaired pointer puppies and working dogs are for sale occasionally. We specialize in fox red labs, bred most importantly for temperament, health, trainability, conformation, looks, and of course the color is a bonus! Often called “fox red,” red labrador puppies have the bright, russet coloration of a fox. As with the silver and charcoal labs, they are currently not recognized by the akc based on the fox red color. However, the american kennel club (akc) recognizes the fox red lab's coat color as part of the breed standard for labrador retrievers.

All puppies of great hunting stock. The pups will come vaccinated, dewormed, and with a starter kit. Find puppies for sale, started dogs for sale and finished dogs from all sorts of different pointing breeds, retrieving breeds and flushing breeds. Our akc fox red yellow labrador puppies are $2,000.00 plus 6% pennsylvania state sales tax Father is a pure bred red fox lab and mother is a pure bred yellow lab.

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